Hitachi- from the country that brought the world Fukushima

Hitachi- from the country that brought the world Fukushima
We feel very sad for the people of Japan who want to end nuclear energy whilst a potential new government and big business are desperate for it

No Fukushima at Oldbury

No to Fukushima at Shepperdine!

No to Fukushima at Shepperdine!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Which failed reactor will Horizon choose?

The time is nigh when Horizon must come out of the closet and commit to one of the two options available.

There is the EPR the favoured reactor of E.on , the same system that is still being built in Olkiluoto, seems so many years since my visit.....a total financial failure or the APR 1000 from Westinghouse the favoured supplier of RWE.

Given Cameron's new tryst and dalliance with his old chum Sarkozy we can only imagine that the Teutonic giants are going to be asked nicely by Mr C that they buy the kit off Areva so that we Brits get a few jobs in this really exciting 21st century kettle boiling exercise .....super heated steam.

My bet is on the French , the nation that hasn't got a clue about energy efficiency, providing us with the latest duff version of the outdated nuclear kit.

Hinkley 2030, Oldbury 2035? Any advance?

The end of nuclear at Oldbury?

After having the sickening and sad nuclear industry foisted upon this agricultural haven in the very early 60s Oldbury can finally wave goodbye to this archaic 1940s way of generating high risk electricity.

It is a great relief to the SANe support and community that the end game approaches.

We now urge the German public and government to counsel their avaricious energy businesses , e.on and RWE to withdraw from their plans to build new nukes at either Wylfa or Oldbury.

We could understand if the partners in Horizon Nuclear sold the potential packages on to other investors, the people of Europe and your kin folk in Germany want you to stop this development now!
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