Hitachi- from the country that brought the world Fukushima

Hitachi- from the country that brought the world Fukushima
We feel very sad for the people of Japan who want to end nuclear energy whilst a potential new government and big business are desperate for it

No Fukushima at Oldbury

No to Fukushima at Shepperdine!

No to Fukushima at Shepperdine!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

DECC accidentally release new consultation website on the revised draft NPS!

We have just heard through the NGO network that DECC accidentally published the information below on their website this morning. There were various documents listed but the links had not yet been put up. The links are now password protected so we cant see anything further.

However, from what we have been told by those that saw the information it looks like Oldbury is going to remain on the list of suitable sites in the new NPS.

Needless to say we are shocked by this news, clearly DECC are not listening to us at all! If this information is correct we will have to make even more noise.... be prepared DECC we will make sure you listen.

Our MP and all the main candidates in the general election together with all local councils have all made their views perfectly clear. The site at Shepperdine is NOT suitable for the proposed new generation of power stations. It makes no sense whatosever and we are at a loss to understand why no one is listening to us.

So much for Cameron's Big Society!

The information seen by NGO's earlier today:

National Policy Statements Re-consultation

Revised website for the consultation on the revised draft National Policy Statements for energy infrastructure. Between November 2009 and February 2010, the previous Government consulted on the six draft Energy NPSs and the Appraisals of Sustainability (AoS) that accompanied those NPSs. A Government Response to that consultation has been published alongside this document, which identifies the key themes and responds to them. Having considered the responses received to consultation and the outputs of the Parliamentary scrutiny process the Government has made changes to the draft Energy NPSs and AoSs. Given the changes that have been made we are now re-consulting on the revised draft NPSs and associated documents. Here you can find out more about the revised draft National Policy Statements and their related documents and respond to the consultation. The consultation closes on Monday 24 January 2011. Subject to the consultation and Parliamentary scrutiny, the Government intends to finalise and formally approve the energy National Policy Statements in Spring 2011. These National Policy Statements would then be used by the Infrastructure Planning Commission when it makes decisions on applications for development consent for nationally significant energy infrastructure. This website mirrors the Consultation Document.

DECC 13th Oct 2010


Braystones has been found to be not suitable for the deployment of a new nuclear power station by 2025. Therefore, Braystones is not within the revised draft Nuclear NPS. The Government Response to consultation on the draft Energy NPSs sets out the reasons why this site is considered unsuitable. This includes the original site assessment within the draft Nuclear National Policy Statement.

DECC 13th Oct 2010


Kirksanton has been found to be not suitable for the deployment of a new nuclear power station by 2025. Therefore, Kirksanton is not within the revised draft Nuclear NPS. The Government Response to consultation on the draft Energy NPSs sets out the reasons why this site is considered unsuitable. This includes the original site assessment within the draft Nuclear National Policy Statement.

DECC 13th Oct 2010


Dungeness has been found to be not suitable for the deployment of a new nuclear power station by 2025. Therefore, Dungeness is not within the revised draft Nuclear NPS.

DECC 13th Oct 2010


The site assessments within Annex C of the revised draft Nuclear NPS have been updated to reflect key points made during the consultation that are relevant to the NPS. The site assessments do not reflect every comment or response made. A Government Response to consultation on the Draft NPS has also been published, which contains a discussion of the key themes raised during the public consultation and the Government's response.

(Other sites have similar information to Bradwell)

DECC 13th Oct 2010

1 comment:

  1. Sad news - if true. But still a long way to go before it becomes a reality - unless you believe that it is already a deal (like Chris Huhne implied when recently interviewed).

    Keep up the good work.


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